Monday 19 November 2012

Magnificat by the Gettys

I just LOVE songs when they are mainly scripture in song... This one would be so great to sing... and to sing it pregnant would be so moving and powerful...but unfortunately singing when pregnant usually means lack of power aka breath to hit the notes! ah well... maybe next christmas. :)


Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend.
Copyright © 2010 Thankyou Music/ Adm. by songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music.

My soul will magnify the Lord;
I rejoice in God my Savior,
In the wonder of His favor.
For He has done great things for me;
He was mindful of His servant.
Every age shall call me blessed.
The Hope of Abraham come
In the giving of a Son;
For He who promised is mighty
In remembering His mercy.

My soul will magnify the Lord
For His grace to those who fear Him
Through every generation.
The proud He scatters to the wind
As the ruler's strength is broken,
And the rich are left with nothing.
The humble lifted high,
And the hungry satisfied;
Our Portion and our Treasure,
Our Hope and Help forever.

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