Monday 18 June 2012

Books and DVDs on the Reliability of the Bible

Recently I wrote up an e-mail to a friend whos kid has been asking about the Bible and its trustworthiness etc. And healthy why do you believe questions. I think its good for kids to ask these questions and I think its VERY important for parents to have solid answers. And not flimsy ones. Everyone deserves to have their questions and doubts taken seriously. And answered seriously. I dislike it when I hear people say "Well thats the way we've been doing it for years", or "we've always believed it." or "you have to have faith that its true". Although its true that we have to have faith, the Bible does say that. BUT there FACTS that we can stand on as well. The Bible isn't just a Myth it is a Historical document that is accurate and there is LOTs of evidence to back this up!
I have a few books on the subject of the reliability of the Bible and they are easy to read. I read one when I was in grade 10 and the others in Bible college.

Anyway any of these books would be helpful in answering the usual questions that anyone deals with. The questions that the world puts up to christianity and that are addressed in these books.

I used to feel very shaky in my faith and I would feel dumb believing in the Bible cause I thought there wasn't much evidence on my side. But after learning what these books said I grew confident in my faith. and realized that my faith was based on FACT and clear thinking etc. This strengthened my faith as a young person. So if I can help any other person this way I would like to.

You may already know of good books on the subject but in case you don't I pass on the following info....

--Rachel VandenBerg

Ready to Give an Answer (an Emmaus Course) by David R. Reid
(apprently a number of guys who get together for saturday prayer are doing this study, like David Boisvert and that... thats what I heard from Leonard). is where you can buy it (well one of the places. and actually you can just read or print off the first chapter that is attached to this e-mail. They had this on the link I gave you for a free download. And the chapter for free download just happens to be Is the Bible Reliable! But there are other chapters that would be good in that book too). 

Chapter 4 of More than a Carpenter. is a short chapter on the reliability of the biblical records.
(we have a number of these little books and would happy to give you one if you wanted). or you can buy your own copy for $5 at this link. 

A Book to Die For (a practical study guide on how our Bible came to us).

Bible Doctrines for Today
by Michael C. Bere (this is put out by A Beka a homeschooling curriculem, there is a video series with this, which I did in grade 10 when I home schooled. I have the book but not the DVDs.)
This one you could only by from them or on Amazon. But if you want to borrow mine for 2 weeks I would be okay with that. But then I would need it back again, as Leonard and I do refer to it every so often. 

Case for Christ Youth Edition  (I own this book and would be willing to lend it out). I read this in grade 8, 9 or 10 or somewhere in there. Very easy read.
Another great little book that I also own. small and to the point. 

Also if you like cartoons like veggietales or that then there is a great little DVD that I own, created by the same guy as Veggie tales.
A new series called Whats in the Bible.
There are 7 dvds out now which I own.
One of them has a little snip-it on church history and there they talk about how the bible came to be. How they decided which book to be the in bible etc. and they explain it in a great fun way.
That helps people like me (visual people) to remember the info. So I would be more then willing to lend that DVD out to you for you guys to watch.
Leonard HATES cartoons. BUT he really likes these!! which is saying ALOT! 
He has watched a few with me and Esther and he likes the biblical info in them and how they explain hard concepts in easy to understand language.

PLEASE NOTE: All the DVDs we think are great. Except the first one (Genesis) we don't agree with everything he says. He doesn't take a stand of 6 day creation. He just says both options, the 6 day option and the long ages option and says christians are on both sides and we don't know which is right. and leaves it at that. But from the way he talks I think he is likely a long ages guy. But Leonard and I don't think this statement means the DVD should be thrown out. Cause kids should be exposed to the fact that christians don't see eye to eye on this subject. Leonard and I are Hard Core 6 Day creationists. But we want our kid to know about what other people think so that they know how to defend 6 day creationism to people when they come in contact with them. So we would want our kids to know another opinion exists and so use it as a teaching opportunity. Our kids are going to be exposed to the other side at some point anyway and we would rather have addressed it with them at home before they find out from other people. 
The rest of the things on that DVD are great and really helpful. 

Anyway the Second DVD which is the one which talks about Who Chose the Books to be in the Bible, is good. It has a pirate explain church history in regard to how the bible came to be the Bible. Its a neat way to explain it. 
If you want to borrow it just let me know.


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