Monday 18 June 2012

Dr. Jim Rennie Counseling Seminar MP3s

Dr. Jim Rennie now has his Counseling Seminars for download on his website at MP3s. I own all of them and highly recommend you listen to them. 

Godly Wisdom for Daily Living 
Seminar CDs or MP3s

Rachel has found the Godly wisdom in these CDs very helpful and wishes that everyone could hear them!

*Dr. James Rennie is a friend of Rachel and her family as he and Rachel’s parents were both missionaries in Zambia. Dr. Rennie is a man who knows God’s Word well. The Lord has truly given him the gift of Counseling. As well and understanding the spiritual side of these issues, he is a medical doctor so he also understands the medical side of issues as well which is very helpful.

All of these seminar are available for download on Dr. Rennie's website. There is a charge for the CDs. OR Rachel owns all the above seminar CDs and would be willing to lend them out. 

Overcoming Anxiety:
Anxiety is perhaps the most disabling emotion in our lives. It robs us of peace, joy, and fulfillment. In this seminar we discover that fear can work for us as well as against us. We learn four powerful principles to overcoming fear and it's crippling effects

Overcoming Addiction:
Workaholic, Shopaholic, Alcoholic, Rageaholic, Sexual addiction, Drug addiction, Gambling addiction, Eating disorder. All of these are capable of robbing us of peace and joy, entrapping us in guilt and shame, and destroying life and relationships. In this seminar we first define addiction, then we explore its medical, social, and spiritual causes. Finally, we map out a Biblical course for overcoming these disordered passions to achieve freedom.

Boundaries in Relationships:
Many people express confusion concerning boundaries in relationships of all types, not just in marriage. Where are the lines, and the limits? God's word has much to say on this topic. Past experience and upbringing can seriously skew our perceptions of right boundaries. We delineate two distinct types of boundaries. We also observe how the four treasured goals of life determine the kinds of boundary violations that are most likely to occur in any relationship. Lastly, we describe a path of recovery and maintenance of godly boundaries. 

Intimacy in Marriage:
Marriage is the most rewarding of human relationships and yet the most challenging. The goal of marriage is intimacy. We discuss three kinds of intimacy and how they relate to each other. We explore some road blocks and how to overcome them in order that our marriages become God honoring and soul satisfying.

Powerful Parenting:
In this day, sinister and destructive forces are arrayed against the family. Much practical wisdom and grace are needed by parents to raise up godly children. This seminar will present God's plan for parenting, defining its mandate and its goal. Using a Biblical paradigm, we will explore the seven ministries of a powerful parent.

Three Steps to Peace:
Many of us struggle with unresolved relational conflicts. There is a path of reconciliation and peace laid out in God's word. In this seminar we explore forgiveness, self-control, and godly confrontation, the three vital steps in achieving peace.

Renewing the Mind:
The mind is a truly amazing part of the psyche, a personalized computer. But as with a regular computer it is subject to many problems--negativism, obsessions, worry, racing thoughts, and unwanted thoughts-- with seemingly no shut-off button. This seminar investigates Biblical answers to these distressing issues.

Self Esteem: Restoring the Glory:
Secular psychology has called 'self esteem' the holy grail of personal maturity. In this seminar we examine the scriptural teaching concerning self esteem. The issues of guilt, shame, inadequacy, and failure, are addressed. We explore a path of recovery and a balanced view of self, learning that God is at work in our lives to restore the glory.

Spiritual Warfare:
After 9/11, few are left that deny the presence of evil in this world. The Bible talks about an evil kingdom ruled by Satan. How does this relate to our personal lives and relationships?In this seminar we explore what the Bible reveals in order to have a balanced view of good and evil. We also discuss how to defend ourselves so that we can get the victory in this battle.

Breaking Through to Joy:
This seminar examines the three roots of sorrow using the wisdom of the Bible. We explore the spiritual discipline of joy and discern a plan for overcoming sorrow, despair, and depression.

Anger Management:
Anger is an emotion that must be mastered if we are to live godly and productive lives. In this seminar we discuss the three kinds of anger and apply godly principles to each one. We learn the proper limits of anger using the "anger graph", and discuss the most effective means of controlling this powerful emotion. 

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