Monday 18 June 2012

What's in the Bible DVDs

These are great DVDs from the creator of VeggieTales. Phil Visher, the creator of Veggie Tales, has done a great job explaining the bible to children. I have learned a lot and retained a lot from these DVDs. The songs really help me remember the summary of each book of the bible. So far they have got to the Psalms etc.

*NOTE: The only negative thing I have to say about the Dvds so far is in #1. They don't take a stand on 6 day creation. They just present both the long age day theory and the 6 day theory and say that people are on both sides. This is disappointing, however it doesn't make me want to throw the whole dvd out. Your kids will be exposed to the theories at some point so I would rather expose my kids to the theories out there in a home environment when I can explain why we believe what we believe.

But other than that one thing all their other dvds seems to be right on and are really great at explaining complex concepts in simple ways..and great for explaining the whole gospel from Genesis to Revelation. (kind of the way the New Tribes people do it, where they don't tell the ending till they get there etc).

Purchase them Here or at

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